Today we all went to "The Curragh", which is an Irish pub. S'morey got a little taste of Guinness, sneaking a sip from my dad's glass. S'morey said," It is way to bitter." It seems S'morey got a stomach ache because of the taste, I
think it turned his stomach upside down.

He is also posing according to the words that were painted on the wall. The wall says " Dying is one of the few things that can be done as easily as lying down".
S'morey maneged to climb on top of an Irish pig statue. Which he tried top ride, but the pig didn't move. Even if the pig moved S'morey would have been in for a wild ride, both the pig and S'morey would have fallen a hit the floor. The pig was up on a shelf.

I noticed whenever the waitress came S'morey began to blush. Therefore she was asked if she would kindly take a picture with S'morey, and she accepted. S'morey was so happy, he said she had a very pleasant smell about her. That was S'moreys' adventure for today.... stay tuned until tomorrow to see the next one. I have a feeling the that tomorrow's adventure will involve snow.